
Part  1.Introduction 1

Chapter  1.Introduction 3
Chapter  2.Posix IPC 19
Chapter  3.System V IPC 27

Part  2.Message Passing 41

Chapter  4.Pipes and FIFOs 43
Chapter  5.Posix Message Queues 75
Chapter  6.System V Message Queues 129

Part  3.Synchronization 157

Chapter  7.Mutexes and Condition Variables 159
Chapter  8.Read-Write Locks 177
Chapter  9.Record Locking 193
Chapter  10.Posix Semaphores 219
Chapter  11.System V Semaphores 281

Part  4.Shared Memory 301

Chapter  12.Shared Memory Introduction 303
Chapter  13.Posix Shared Memory 325
Chapter  14.System V Shared Memory 343

Part  5.Remote Procedure Calls 353

Chapter  15.Doors 355
Chapter  16.Sun RPC 399
Appendix  A.Performance Measurements 457
Appendix  B.A Threads Primer 501
Appendix  C.Miscellaneous Source Code 505
Appendix  D.Solutions to Selected Exercises 515